“Why fit in when you were born to stand out”~Dr. Seuss
Let's talk about this amazingly beautiful paradox where we all want to fit in and want to be unique in this world.
Did you know that standing out actually helps you fit in?! Follow me here. When we are authentic, we stand out in the crowd we are amongst. This might be the crowd of our family, friends, colleagues, co-workers, etc. When we allow our true self to shine through, it leads us to find the groups where we do fit in, which is a need.
Psychologist William Glasser discusses one of the basic human needs as to “feel a sense of belonging”. In the hierarchy of needs, love and belonging is the 3rd basic need after physiological and safety needs. Cognitive behavioral compassion theory recognizes that mammals survive in community. What happens when we have such an ingrained human need, as well as the need to know we are uniquely made? ...
In a world that is so goal driven, do you ever wonder why so many goals never fully come to fruition? Can you recall a personal or professional goal, or maybe several, that never made it past the first week or month of it coming to your mind?
Do you attribute that to your lack of wanting or desiring your goal? Could it be that you weren't meant to have that dream come true? Could it be that external conditions and situations stopped you from moving forward with your goal?
More often than not, it is because the goal maker does not know the most effective and powerful way to create goals. Did you even know there was a "most powerful way" in goal setting?! I didn't before I began my research. While exploring goal setting to build confidence and create massive transformations, I found:
7 Ways to Create Powerful Goals:
1. Desire Dump. List all of the things you want over the next 20-30 years. Nothing is too small or too big. We often...
"There's not enough hours in the day." "There's not enough time in the day." "I just don't have the time."
We all know the time scarcity mindset. Just admit it. You have said at least one of these lines, if not all of them, at least once in your life. And if we are being completely honest, probably multiple time per day. We say it. We hear it. We feel it. The dreaded time crunch. Trying to fit it all in-family time, a thriving career, an amazing intimate relationship, time to ourself for self care, time with friends, time with family, time to focus on our intellectual growth, and time to focus on our spiritual growth.
I know that feeling all too well-where I feel like I am scattering pieces of myself all over the place so all dimensions of my life are thriving. At times, I found myself exhausted, frustrated, hopeless and resentful. I knew that what I was doing was not working for me. It was...
Somewhere along the line, we were taught that selflessness is the ultimate show of love...especially as women. You see it all of the time. As women, we were taught to prioritize our family over our own wants and needs. We prioritize ourself last in almost any situation. We sacrifice our calling to climb the corporate ladder because we want a family. Or we sacrifice our family in order to have a thriving career. We make sure every member of our family is taken care of with both their needs and wants, especially our children. How often do we want to join a yoga membership, wellness program, coaching program, or retreat, then hold back because we "can't afford it". Yet we make sure all of our kids are signed up in all the extracurricular activities they want, and have nice cloths and toys regardless of the expense because we will find a way to make it work.
I want to take a moment here to identify the difference...
We hear it all the time. I say it all the time. "Shift your mindset". The way you choose to perceive experiences in your life determines your success, joy and expansion in your life.
To better understand this concept, let us look at the fundamentals. Mindset is how you choose to approach any situation. When you have an open and positive mindset, you are able to see the possibilities in any situation. When you go in with a closed or negative mindset, you are severely limiting your experience to the most negative aspects of any given situation.
So, all we have to do is have a positive mindset? Easy right? How about easier said than done.
For decades we have been conditioned to more of a negative mindset for multiple reasons that include generational patterns that our family engrained in us to 'protect us'. Societal beliefs that create fear and division through news and other forms of media. The fact that we are ...
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