I captured this photograph through the windshield of our car during our return from an enchanting weekend family expedition to Watkins Glen State Park in New York. (Rest assured, my husband was at the wheel!) Its allure was immediate, prompting me to share my discovery with my husband, who clarified that the tree had been deliberately pruned to accommodate the power lines. A sense of sadness washed over me as I contemplated the human impact on the gifts offered by Mother Earth.
However, upon deeper reflection, I realized that there was no cause for sorrow. Instead, this served as a testament to Mother Earth's resilience. My heart lightened, and a wave of tranquility enveloped me. Almost immediately, my thoughts began weaving connections and drawing parallels between Women and this Tree. Such associations come as no surprise to me, as I consistently find parallels between Mother Earth and women, recognizing our roles as extraordinary creators of life, you...
“Why fit in when you were born to stand out”~Dr. Seuss
Let's talk about this amazingly beautiful paradox where we all want to fit in and want to be unique in this world.
Did you know that standing out actually helps you fit in?! Follow me here. When we are authentic, we stand out in the crowd we are amongst. This might be the crowd of our family, friends, colleagues, co-workers, etc. When we allow our true self to shine through, it leads us to find the groups where we do fit in, which is a need.
Psychologist William Glasser discusses one of the basic human needs as to “feel a sense of belonging”. In the hierarchy of needs, love and belonging is the 3rd basic need after physiological and safety needs. Cognitive behavioral compassion theory recognizes that mammals survive in community. What happens when we have such an ingrained human need, as well as the need to know we are uniquely made? ...
Over the past quarter of 2021, I have experienced God Winks that have ripped my body open and exposed my soul to the larger truth of the Universe. They have enlightened me to the energetic connections that are pulsating around me at all times.
Have you ever felt as if you are hearing a message from the Universe, whether cautioning you or guiding you towards your Diving Destination? There are signs all around us... constantly. Urging us to move forward. Letting us know that the Universe has our back.
Synchronicity is a term coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875-1961). In my last article about Co-Creating with the Universe, I have identified several different examples of synchronicities. Here are a few more: seeing a word repeatedly, you have a dream about an old friend and shortly after, run into them.
First, let me explain that I believe that the Universe and God are One, similar to Pantheists...
Personal and professional expansion is such an amazing, beautiful, and hard process. It is one filled with ALL of the emotions. While we push past the limiting beliefs that generations of family and society has placed on us, there is fear.
Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being alone, fear of losing those you love because they don't understand or agree with you. I have gone through all of these fears in my head over and over for a decade before making my leap.
I continue to move through them as I continue to expand and dream.
As we sell our home to move back to New York from Georgia after almost 20 years, another layer of limiting beliefs show up.
The tricky part is that these are not my limiting beliefs, but husband's.
As I dream bigger, he contracts. He wants to build his dream house and I agree with two conditions...it must be on the water and it must be over an acre . He begins telling me I am dreaming too...
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