“Identification is the primary portal of empathy”~Frans de Waal
I know this could possibly be a controversial topic for the current state of the world and injustices, so please let me preface this by stating this is a call for mindfulness of interdependence. This is a call for love and compassion for ALL. This is not meant to be heard as though I am unaware of the mistreatment and prejudices in the world. What I want to focus on is this belief that we are somehow separate from each other. There is a belief that we do not depend on one another. You may have heard it in statements such as “every man for himself” or “survival of the fittest”. These beliefs are born out of fear and hurt. This extreme individualism is creating an immense amount of suffering.
Through research, science has actually shown that it is “survival together”, rather than “survival of the fittest”. Research has shown that those mammals who live in a...
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