7 Steps to Creating Your Most Powerful Goals

In a world that is so goal driven, do you ever wonder why so many goals never fully come to fruition? Can you recall a personal or professional goal, or maybe several, that never made it past the first week or month of it coming to your mind?  

Do you attribute that to your lack of wanting or desiring your goal?  Could it be that you weren't meant to have that dream come true? Could it be that external conditions and situations stopped you from moving forward with your goal?

More often than not, it is because the goal maker does not know the most effective and powerful way to create goals.  Did you even know there was a "most powerful way" in goal setting?!  I didn't before I began my research.  While exploring goal setting to build confidence and create massive transformations, I found:

7 Ways to Create Powerful Goals: 

1. Desire Dump. List all of the things you want over the next 20-30 years.  Nothing is too small or too big.  We often...

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