There were so many times I look back and see how much I didn't love myself.
I have this harsh inner critic that tells me I will never be good enough. Good enough for what?...for anything. This is a belief that was embedded at a very young age. I love my parents and grandparents, and there were many moments where I felt, and believed, their love was conditional. They gave me so many wonderful memories, and the harsh words and behaviors stuck around for a very long time.
When I made good grades, I was praised with words and money. When I made a B, my grandmother told me how angry and disappointed she was in me with words I would never speak to my children, and a lashing I would never wish upon anyone.
When I was "too large" at the tender age of 11, I was brought to Weight Watchers, where I would weigh in weekly in front of other women twice my age. I began noticing the difference in my body compared to others. I...
"If you want to go fast, you go alone. If you want to go far, we go together".
These words came from my Rise to Power Ride Cycle instructor at 5:15 this morning, who may have gotten it from a variety of people since nobody truly knows where this quote originated.
I had been thinking about what I wanted to write for my next blog article and it hit me right then and there. Community and Connection. Through the past few weeks, I had started and stopped writing so many blog articles. None of them seemed to adequately explain what I have been noticing, thinking, and experiencing in my life. There was some self criticism in this process that I "should" be able to bang this stuff out, yet as I write this today, I know it was just the process I needed to come to this perfect topic.
There are countless articles with studies showing that every successful woman has a community of successful women behind her, cheering her on...
Over the past quarter of 2021, I have experienced God Winks that have ripped my body open and exposed my soul to the larger truth of the Universe. They have enlightened me to the energetic connections that are pulsating around me at all times.
Have you ever felt as if you are hearing a message from the Universe, whether cautioning you or guiding you towards your Diving Destination? There are signs all around us... constantly. Urging us to move forward. Letting us know that the Universe has our back.
Synchronicity is a term coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875-1961). In my last article about Co-Creating with the Universe, I have identified several different examples of synchronicities. Here are a few more: seeing a word repeatedly, you have a dream about an old friend and shortly after, run into them.
First, let me explain that I believe that the Universe and God are One, similar to Pantheists...
According to the paper from Claire Costello, Managing Director of Philanthropic Solutions at Bank of America and Jackie VanderBrug, Head of Sustainable and Impact Investment Strategy in the Chief Investment Office for Merrill and Bank of America Private Bank, up to 93% of women give to charity or volunteer, compared to 80% of men. This shows that the vast majority of women care about giving back, whether that is with their time or money.
These numbers honestly don't surprise me. Even with women making $0.82 to every $1 men are making, we still give more. The paper from Costello simply reinforces the fact that women are playing a central role in the charitable giving space.
Here are just a few examples of women all over the world who are giving:
"I have no need for the past, I thought, like a child. I did not consider that the past might have a need for me."~ from the novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
For some of us, our past is the last place we want to visit. So instead, we run from it. We run into relationships, jobs, food, excessive exercise, gambling, drinking, promiscuity, excessive dieting, excessive overachieving. You name it, we try it. We try everything and anything to avoid the feelings, experiences, and hurts of our past.
How do I know this? I was a marathon runner when it came to dealing with my past. I was lost, lonely, confused, hurt, and scared when I was a kid. I hated myself to the point of self mutilation and bulimia. I just didn't know how to exist in this life. And I used to blame everyone else for my pain.
My parents truly did the best they could...
If you are anything like me, you look to signs from the Universe that you are heading in the right direction in life. This is especially true when I finally made the decision to take the leap of faith to leave the corporate world and begin my own business. One mistake I made for a very long time while looking for signs from the Universe is the belief that all of the signs would lead to this super amazing feeling like I was floating on a cloud. I thought that all the opportunities would just start flooding into my life like pretty little gifts wrapped in bows and dusted with sparkles. Don't get me wrong...I totally have those experiences. For instance, once I made the decision to resign from my corporate job to focus on building my business, opportunities and signs were everywhere, as were the opportunities to lean into my faith and trust in the process.
Since we are human being having a human experience, we are constantly...
In a world that is so goal driven, do you ever wonder why so many goals never fully come to fruition? Can you recall a personal or professional goal, or maybe several, that never made it past the first week or month of it coming to your mind?
Do you attribute that to your lack of wanting or desiring your goal? Could it be that you weren't meant to have that dream come true? Could it be that external conditions and situations stopped you from moving forward with your goal?
More often than not, it is because the goal maker does not know the most effective and powerful way to create goals. Did you even know there was a "most powerful way" in goal setting?! I didn't before I began my research. While exploring goal setting to build confidence and create massive transformations, I found:
7 Ways to Create Powerful Goals:
1. Desire Dump. List all of the things you want over the next 20-30 years. Nothing is too small or too big. We often...
"There's not enough hours in the day." "There's not enough time in the day." "I just don't have the time."
We all know the time scarcity mindset. Just admit it. You have said at least one of these lines, if not all of them, at least once in your life. And if we are being completely honest, probably multiple time per day. We say it. We hear it. We feel it. The dreaded time crunch. Trying to fit it all in-family time, a thriving career, an amazing intimate relationship, time to ourself for self care, time with friends, time with family, time to focus on our intellectual growth, and time to focus on our spiritual growth.
I know that feeling all too well-where I feel like I am scattering pieces of myself all over the place so all dimensions of my life are thriving. At times, I found myself exhausted, frustrated, hopeless and resentful. I knew that what I was doing was not working for me. It was...
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