Synchronicities: God Winks from the Universe

Over the past quarter of 2021, I have experienced God Winks that have ripped my body open and exposed my soul to the larger truth of the Universe.  They have enlightened me to the energetic connections that are pulsating around me at all times.  

Have you ever felt as if you are hearing a message from the Universe, whether cautioning you or guiding you towards your Diving Destination?  There are signs all around us... constantly.  Urging us to move forward.  Letting us know that the Universe has our back.

Synchronicity is a term coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875-1961).  In my last article about Co-Creating with the Universe, I have identified several different examples of synchronicities.   Here are a few more: seeing a word repeatedly, you have a dream about an old friend and shortly after, run into them.

First, let me explain that I believe that the Universe and God are One, similar to Pantheists...

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Wealthy Women: Why We Need More of Them and 3 Tips to Becoming One of Them

According to the paper from Claire Costello, Managing Director of Philanthropic Solutions at Bank of America and Jackie VanderBrug, Head of Sustainable and Impact Investment Strategy in the Chief Investment Office for Merrill and Bank of America Private Bank, up to 93% of women give to charity or volunteer, compared to 80% of men. This shows that the vast majority of women care about giving back, whether that is with their time or money.  

These numbers honestly don't surprise me.  Even with women making $0.82 to every $1 men are making, we still give more.  The paper from Costello simply reinforces the fact that women are playing a central role in the charitable giving space.

Here are just a few examples of women all over the world who are giving: 

  • British author J.K. Rowling reportedly dropped off the Forbes list of billionaires because she gave so much money away through the Volant Charitable Trust. 
  • In China, the landscaping entrepreneur He Qiaonu...
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The Importance of Our Past While Expanding into Our Future

"I have no need for the past, I thought, like a child. I did not consider that the past might have a need for me."~ from the novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer


For some of us, our past is the last place we want to visit.  So instead, we run from it.  We run into relationships, jobs, food, excessive exercise, gambling, drinking, promiscuity, excessive dieting, excessive overachieving.  You name it, we try it.  We try everything  and anything to avoid the feelings, experiences, and hurts of our past. 

How do I know this?  I was a marathon runner when it came to dealing with my past.  I was lost, lonely, confused, hurt, and scared when I was a kid.  I hated myself to the point of self mutilation and bulimia.  I just didn't know how to exist in this life. And I used to blame everyone else for my pain.  

My parents truly did the best they could...

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Having the Hard Conversations

Personal and professional expansion is such an amazing, beautiful, and hard process.  It is one filled with ALL of the emotions. While we push past the limiting beliefs that generations of family and society has placed on us, there is fear

Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being alone, fear of losing those you love because they don't understand or agree with you.  I have gone through all of these fears in my head over and over for a decade before making my leap. 

I continue to move through them as I continue to expand and dream. 

As we sell our home to move back to New York from Georgia after almost 20 years, another layer of limiting beliefs show up. 

The tricky part is that these are not my limiting beliefs, but husband's.  

As I dream bigger, he contracts. He wants to build his dream house and I agree with two must be on the water and it must be over an acre .  He begins telling me I am dreaming too...

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