Over the past quarter of 2021, I have experienced God Winks that have ripped my body open and exposed my soul to the larger truth of the Universe. They have enlightened me to the energetic connections that are pulsating around me at all times.
Have you ever felt as if you are hearing a message from the Universe, whether cautioning you or guiding you towards your Diving Destination? There are signs all around us... constantly. Urging us to move forward. Letting us know that the Universe has our back.
Synchronicity is a term coined by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung (1875-1961). In my last article about Co-Creating with the Universe, I have identified several different examples of synchronicities. Here are a few more: seeing a word repeatedly, you have a dream about an old friend and shortly after, run into them.
First, let me explain that I believe that the Universe and God are One, similar to Pantheists...
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