“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen”~Brene Brown
So many of my years were spent being the person I thought I “should” be. I am the first born, which means I am an over-achiever and strive for perfectionism. Some of my younger memories include being yelled at for my first “B”, going to weight watchers at ten years old, and being made fun of for the clothes I wore and the hairstyle I chose. Before that, I was a fun loving, free spirited, vibrant, live-out-loud kind of girl. Early in my years, just like most of us, I was taught what was acceptable. I was taught how good little Catholic girls were supposed to act. I was taught that achievement was of the upmost importance. I was taught how wives and mothers were supposed to behave. I was taught what was, and was not, acceptable within a marriage and a family.
I am grateful for all...
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