How I Turned My Dream into My Reality: 5 Valuable Lessons Learned

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2023

On November 11, 2019, shy of 3 months after my father’s death, I was “brightsided” by this clear Vision of what my future, and more specifically, my Purpose, is meant to be.

I was driving back from a fundraiser Gala, listening to the book The Year of Saying Yes by Hannah Doyle. It was just a fun book I had been listening to when a point in the book offered me my lightbulb moment. I am meant to create a retreat center for women. I was giddy with excitement. My mind began racing to all the ways I could make this happen. I was fueled with adrenaline as my ideas just kept flowing. I called my youngest sister and yammered her ear off about all these thoughts and plans of making it happen while I was on my two-hour journey home from the Gala. I then proceeded to inform my husband all about it once I returned home. I couldn’t get enough of it-talking about it, dreaming about it, and longing for my dream to come to fruition.

From November through February, I began looking at properties, sorting out finances, and creating my business plan to make the Vision in my head. I finally had to admit that I was stuck…once again, just as I had been several times over the past decade when I planned to create my own business. That’s when I found an ad on Facebook about a 5 Day Workshop from a Holistic Business Coach. I signed up immediately and blocked off the time during the day, even with my current commitment as an Executive Director of a well-known treatment facility. I was once again filled with hope that I could figure out the steps that would lead me to my Dream and Life Purpose.

Through the workshop, I found myself again inspired and coming up with plans to move me closer to my Vision and Mission. Towards the end of the workshop, this Coach offered to continue this journey and join her Program. I remember seeing the price and immediately going into fear. The cost would be the most significant investment I had ever made in myself and my career, besides my College degrees.

I continued to watch the workshop. I continued to think about how this Program could change my life. I continued to worry about the financial investment and the “what ifs that came up” that included “What if I sign up and fail and waste all of that money,” “What if it’s not the right move for me,” and “what if it just doesn’t work for me” to name a few. Then I began thinking, “What if I let this opportunity slip by?” and “What if I don’t do this and end up letting this dream fizzle out like I have done before?”, or “What if I never reach my true Destiny, Potential, and Purpose in life”.

I spoke to my husband about this idea and the investment. He was hesitant. He has always been supportive of my wild dreams and job changes. What he said to me that day stung and spoke determination into my being. I remember it so clearly. During one of the many conversations about this investment, he replied, “Are you sure this isn’t just another of your ideas that you will get bored with and waste money and time on?”.

That one stung because he was partially correct. It wasn’t that I got bored of my other ideas; it was that I became scared and backed out into the comfort zone of the Corporate world where I was well known, paid very well, and received a “stable paycheck.” I only allowed him to see the “outside of the matter,” which seemed like I was bouncing from one job to the next within about two years of each other. Not to mention that in between those few years, I always had plans, ideas, and actions to begin my own business.

This time, I knew it was different. I knew it within every single fiber of my being. I decided to sign into the Holistic Business School and begin my journey. To this day, I am still with that Coach and in that Program. I officially started my business in April 2020. There has been so much that has happened in just 3 ½ short years.

Where I am today regarding reaching my dream of a Retreat Center for Women…

  • I have connected with thousands of Visionary Women with big dreams
  • I have guided thousands of women through releasing limiting beliefs so they could also live their Dreams and Mission
  • I have presented at a Global Conference in NYC on Why Women are Meant to Lead
  • I have spoken at Conferences on topics of Living Your Purpose and Why Women are Meant to Lead
  • I have led multiple retreats that guide women to reconnect with their Passion and Purpose in Life
  • I have created 2 Signature Programs that have helped Women connect with their Authentic Self, gain Clarity of their Purpose, and offer them the steps and support to take daily courageous actions toward their Big Vision and Life Purpose.
  • I have held multiple virtual and in-person events for Women Empowerment.
  • I have started a podcast with my bestie-Sit Crooked Talk Straight that is For Women, By Women, Who are Looking for Real Change.
  • I hit multiple six figures in year 2 of my business and continued on that path of financial and impact growth.

And that’s only the business growth.

Guess how this all impacted my personal growth and Vision for my overall life satisfaction…

  • I always wanted to spend two weeks at a beach house on Lake Erie near both mine and my husband’s family. That happened in the first YEAR of business!
  • My husband started his own thriving business.
  • My relationship with myself deepened.
  • My relationship with my husband deepened.
  • I get to spend way more time with my family.
  • We travel as a family with friends to the beach during school breaks.
  • We sold our house in GA and moved back to NY to be closer to family.
  • We bought our new house with cash.
  • My spiritual connection has deepened.
  • I have made SO many connections and friendships based on authenticity.
  • I get to live my Purpose every day.
  • I take better care of my mind, body, and spirit.
  • I live in so much joy and abundance daily.

Above is the life I empower every single woman to live. To know yourself, believe in yourself, and follow your dreams.

As for my big dream of a retreat center, I am currently searching for the “right place” for my center. This is one of the reasons why I am traveling to different areas for each of my retreats. My Vision is a work in progress every single day. As my reality of what is possible expands, so does my Vision. My Mission has stayed consistent; it is my reality and Vision that is ever-expanding.

So, here are five valuable lessons that I have learned as a female Visionary, Trailblazer, and new entrepreneur:

  1. Do the internal work because it leads to extraordinary external results. There were a TON of limiting beliefs and emotions that kept me from living my Vision and Purpose that I had to become aware of, take responsibility for, and intentionally challenge and shift.
  2. Do it scared. I know that when I am scared and excited about my next step, I am growing, and I am on the right path. I have more fear of staying the same and never reaching my fullest potential and Purpose than I am of failure and judgment.
  3. Get a Coach. I know without a doubt that I would not be here without the loving and consistent guidance of my Coach. She points out my continued limiting beliefs and challenges me to move past them daily. Confusion about what the “next right step” still happens, and she helps me to clearly see myself and my path.
  4. Surround yourself with Female Visionaries. The women in my Program and those friends I have made with other Female Entrepreneurs stretching past their comfort zone AND society’s comfort zone have been imperative. Who I surround myself with is another key to my success.
  5. Stay connected to your WHY. Shit gets hard. Although I live with so much joy, gratitude, and passion, shit can still get tricky. There are times when fear and doubt rears their ugly heads. Sometimes things don’t work out the way I intended (aka. failures). There are moments of uncertainty. My WHY, which includes SO many aspects of my life, keeps me focused, true to myself, and continuing on this journey to live my Legacy. Your dream will take twists and turns. Let it expand. Flow with the Universe. Let it take you to places you may not have envisioned. But always stay connected to your WHY.

If any of this resonated with you, know you are not alone. Know that you are meant to live out that big Dream and Vision for your life. Know that you are not meant to go it alone. Know that you are worth living out your Legacy.


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